Freeze or Super Powers? – Video

Von Kora am 27. September 2017 um 22:52 unter in English

by Kora Klapp META-Health uses cutting-edge scientific findings and models to explore and explain stress-related diseases and various symptoms in their social-emotional context. A base for this is the model of the 5 biological laws of nature which describes the dynamic process of self-healing after stress and trauma: the intelligent body adapts temporarily to exceptional […]


Informed choices and that gut feeling

Von Kora am 11. Juni 2013 um 14:57 unter in English

The media and discussions these days are filled with the preventive double mastectomy of Angelina Jolie. Comments range from acclaim for her courage and consistency, shock about voluntary self-mutilation with dubious sense, up to the representation of the famous actress as a pawn and figurehead for corporations who make money on such measures. In her […]
